Power Vs Force

David R. Hawkins

(My note: This passage of the book is translated by me from the original Czech version, so there might be some mistakes. The page may not match the original either).

Part Three – Meaning, Chapter – Development of Consciousness, page 204

“If we look at life as a teacher, then it becomes one. But until we become modest and don’t use the painful life lessons as the gateways to growth and development that have been offered to us, these lessons are useless. The mind identifies with the context. He takes credit and blames himself for what he accepts, because it would be humiliating for the vanity of the mind to admit that the only thing he does is experience – in fact, Mind only experiences. The mind does not even experience the world, only sensors message about it. Even great thoughts and deepest feelings are just an experience. In the end, we rule with only one function – experiencing experience. 

The main limitation of consciousness is his innocence. Consciousness is naive, It believes in everything It hears. Consciousness is like hardware that plays any software embedded in it. We never lose the innocence of our own consciousness. It is persistent, naive and trusting as a receptive child. Its sole guardian is judicial awareness, which closely monitors the entry program. Over the years, observation of the mind has been found to increase one’s level of consciousness. The mind that is observed becomes more modest and begins to retreat from its claims to omniscience – just then the level of consciousness can rise. With modesty comes the ability to laugh at ourselves and be less and less a victim of the mind and more of a master. From the idea that we are the mind, we can come to know that we have the mind and that it is the mind that has thoughts, beliefs, feelings, opinions, and possibly go on to the insight that all our thoughts are only borrowed from a large database of consciousness and they were never really ours. Ordinary thought systems are accepted, absorbed, identified with them, and properly replaced by new ideas that become relevant to us. If we attribute less value to such fleeting views, they lose their ability to control us and we gradually free ourselves from them – and also from the mind. On the contrary, it matures into a new source of joy. The joy of existence matures hand in hand as one progresses up the scale of consciousness.”