Animus and Anima

Emma Jung

Animus, page 20

“The most characteristic manifestation of the animus is not in a configured image (Gestalt) but rather in words (logos also means word).”

Animus, page 29

“In dreams or phantasies, the animus appears chiefly in the figure of real man: as father, lover, brother, teacher, judge, sage; as sorcerer, artist, philosopher, scholar, builder, monk (especially as Jesuit); or as a trader, aviator, chauffeur and so forth.”

Anima, page 63

“It is a fact that one’s unconscious personality components (the anima, animus, and shadow), or one’s inferior functions, are always those which the world finds offensive, and which are therefore repressed again and again.”

Anima, page 81

“A man by nature tends to relate to objects, to his work, or to some other field of interests, but what matters to a woman is the personal relation, and this is true also of the anima.”