Jung – Dreams From Volumes 4, 8, 12, and 16 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung

Carl Gustav Jung

(My note: This work called dreams From Volumes 4, 8, 12, and 16 of the Collected Works of C. G. and collected work 1-19 by Jung are only two resources that I share here and haven’t finished reading completely. I insist to share them anyway because they are incredibly great sources of symbolism, dreams and all sort of psychological language!)

II Dreams and psychic energy, General aspects of dream psychology, page 69

“Dreams have a psychic structure which is unlike that of other contents of consciousness because, so far as we can judge from their form and meaning, they do not show the continuity of development typical of conscious contents. They do not appear, as a rule, to be integral components of our conscious psychic life, but seem rather to be extraneous, apparently accidental occurrences. The reason for this exceptional position of dreams lies in their peculiar mode of origin: they do not arise, like other conscious contents, from any clearly discernible, logical and emotional continuity of experience, but are remnants of a peculiar psychic activity taking place during sleep. Their mode of origin is sufficient in itself to isolate dreams from the other contents of consciousness, and this is still further increased by the content of the dreams themselves, which contrasts strikingly with our conscious thinking. 

II. The mandalas in the dreams, page 449

30. DREAM:

The dreamer is sitting at a round table with the dark unknown woman. 

Whenever a process has reached a culmination as regards either its clarity or the wealth of inferences that can be drawn from it, a regression is likely to ensue. From the dreams that come in between the ones we have quoted here it is evident that the dreamer is finding the insistent demands of wholeness somewhat disagreeable; for their realization will have far-reaching practical consequences, whose personal nature, however, lies outside the scope of our study. 240 The round table again points to the circle of wholeness, and the anima comes in as representative of the fourth function, especially in her “dark” aspect, which always makes itself felt when something is becoming concrete, i.e., when it has to be translated, or threatens to translate itself, into reality. “Dark” means chthonic, i.e., concrete and earthy. This is also the source of the fear that causes the regression.